This involves unique patches of forest that units can hide within to set up ambushes. Eight playable civilisations are planned for launch. Civilisations revealed include the English, the Chinese, the Mongols, and the Delhi Sultanate. All the classic medieval units were shown here in action, from knights on horseback engaging with pikemen across large fields of battle capped off with a great looking castle siege.'Īge of Empires 4 has four ages: Medieval, Feudal, Castle, and Imperial.
'The Norman campaign will tell the story of Duke William of Normandy as he wrestles control of England from King Harold, starting at the Battle of Hastings, then later following his descendants Robert, William II, and Henry I as they continue to fight for what would become modern day England. Here's the official blurb on the Norman campaign:
Microsoft said it's all very BBC documentary. The 'golden soldiers' project historical events over present-day real-world locations and aim to provide a realistic sense of place in how events unfolded hundreds of years ago. There's a new presentation style for Age of Empire 4's campaigns that draws inspiration from gilded manuscripts of the time.